mercredi 16 janvier 2008

My wife just told me that only Jesus can save. I guess she's right. Those Bible-thumping people...
Cynicism will save the world!!

At least, it's worth trying...

lundi 7 janvier 2008

Thank you, thank you...

Which theologian are you?

You scored as a Karl Barth

The daddy of 20th Century theology. You perceive liberal theology to be a disaster and so you insist that the revelation of Christ, not human experience, should be the starting point for all theology.

Karl Barth 80%

John Calvin 60%

Martin Luther 60%

Augustine 53%

Anselm 53%

Jonathan Edwards 47%

Friedrich Schleiermacher 40%

Jürgen Moltmann 40%

Charles Finney 33%

Paul Tillich 20%

The (main) reasons why I still don't take the "Emerging" thing seriously

- The "Emerging" guys may be on the fringe of the Evangelical movement, but they are still Evangelicals nonetheless. I am not Evangelical. Why should I care?

-To be Emergent (or Emerging? I could never figure out what the difference is) you apparently need to be a 30-something, white middle-class, Anglo-saxon male. Not very relevant to a 30-something white working-class Gallo-roman male. Why should I care?

-I agree that anti-intellectualism is one of Evangelicalism's main plagues. The pretention to be an intellectual, however, is certainly not the cure. So far, I have not been impressed by what the EC has to say. Why should I care?

-I grew up in mailine Protestantism. I know what theological liberalism is. I know how to recognize it. And well, sorry, when I read most of the Emerging stuff, I can smell a familiar odor. I've already been there, I've already done that. Why should I care?

-It's just a fad. One more of those stinking, useless, (money-making), hollow fads. I walk daily in front of centuries-old churches, one of my ancestors helped Calvin frame the French Confession, my known ancestry goes back to the 12th Century. Why should I care?

-The EC might ask some good questions. So far, I have not been convinced by its answers. Wy should I care?

mercredi 2 janvier 2008

"The accent of one's country dwells in the mind and in the heart as much as in the language."

La Rochefoucauld


I thought the begining of the year would be a good opportunity to start this blog.

We will talk about culture, life, spirituality and other related subjects.

Do not expect regular contributions, this is just a place to share some random thoughts.

Peace +